nicole carlson

fashion & lifestyle blogger

scottsdale based. faith, fashion &

lots of coffee.


most recent vlog x


more about me

My main goal is to share budget friendly OR reusable staple pieces with the world. I love being able to reuse clothes over and over again to get optimal use out of my closet!

I love sharing my everyday life and love for Jesus with y’all! He has changed my life so I can’t help but share! I hope you find this space encouraging and relatable.

I’m madly in love with my husband Brandon. We recently moved from Scottsdale, AZ from Seattle, WA while he is in flight training to become a commercial pilot.

If this is your first time, thank you for being here!! I have been blogging for 4 years now, and love every minute of sharing all of the fashion finds and my life with you guys!
